Tall or Green-headed Coneflower
Rudbeckia laciniata
From Nearctica
Identification: Flowers with golden yellow rays. Ray florets drooping downward (reflexed). Disk green, raised, and usually with an outer ring of larger disk florets with black tips. Plant with multiple flowers and stem smooth, branched. Upper leaves elongate, ovate, coarsely toothed. Middle to lower leaves heavily cut into multiple sharp, coarsely toothed lobes. Plant 3 to 12 feet in height.
Distribution: Throughout most of North America except for California.
Habitat: Green-headed Coneflower is a species of moist locations and is commonly found in bottomland and along streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes.
Flowering period: July to September.
Similar Species: The drooping rays and green, elevated disk with an outer ring of larger disk florets, and heavily incised lower and middle leaves and usually sufficient features to identify Green-headed Coneflower.