Apios americana
The plant is a climbing vine that develops pinkish-lavender and maroon flowers which form in clusters that appear in mid to late August. It can also produce pea pods just below the flowers and these pods are also edible. It gets its name from the bulb-like tubers that grow on it's slender roots. These can be as small as a Pine Nut to as large as an avacado. These are the so-called Groundnuts. They were a major food source for the Native Americans and served essentially as their potato. They have a brown skin and, once peeled, they are white and firm inside. They can be eaten raw but are best cooked, either by boiling or roasting. They have a very mild flavor and can be a nutritious addition to soups and stews. According to the USDA they contain about three times the protein of the potatoes in common use today.