Tall Blue Lettuce
Lactuca biennis
From Minnesota Wildflowers
Flowers are in a tightly packed cluster at the top of the plant that spreads out as the plant matures. Smaller clusters develop from the leaf axils near the top of the plant. Individual flowers are about ¼ inch across with 15 to 30 pale blue to whitish petals and numerous stamens with curly blue tips. Leaves become progressively smaller as they ascend the stem. Those near the base of the plant are up to 12 inches long and 6 inches wide, deeply divided into several wide coarsely toothed lobes with pointed tips. They are roughly triangular or arrow-head shaped in outline, with “winged” leaf stems.
Towards the top of the plant the lobes are fewer and narrower, and leaves have little or no leaf stem. All leaves are hairy, especially the underside. Attachment is alternate.The main stem is hairy and often tinged or spotted purple.