The following are ways in which you can use Black Nightshade in your homes and communities; 

Liver Disorders; Solanum nigrum is most effective for liver disorders such as chronic enlargement of the liver and associated symptons, eg. haemoptesis (blood from the mouth, mucoid stools, and other skin manifestations). The juice of the plant can be taken for this.  

Chronic Skin Ailments; For example Psoriasis and Ringworm, the tender plant is used as a vegetable and a paste (as a poultice) of the plant is applied locally.  

Inflammatory Conditions; The plant is taken internally as a vegetable and applied externally as a paste. Alternatively the hot leaves can be applied to the swellings.  


small white flowers with characteristic shape

Painful periods: the leaves are used. Crush a handful of (about 20) leaves and boil the paste with ¼ cup of water and pinch of salt, to extract the juice. Dosage; take ¼ cup of boiled leaf juice, along with meals thrice a day for 5 days during menstruation. Repeat for three cycles.  

For fevers, diarrhoea, eye diseases, hydrophobia; the berries are used.