Epilobium coloratum
From Nearctica
Identification: Flowers small (less than 0.25 inches in width), white or pink, with 4 petals. Stigma entire, not divided into 4 parts. Flowers on long flower stalks, commonly nodding (hanging downward). Flowers arising from the leaf axils. Seedpods narrow and elongate, angled upward, and with rusty brown hairs. Stem tinted with purple. Leaves alternate, elongate, narrow, with finely toothed outer margins, and commonly marked with purple blotches. Plant 1 to 3 feet in height.
Distribution: Throughout most of eastern and central North America.
Habitat: Purple-leaved Willow Herb is found on low, wet ground such as wet meadows and along lakes and rivers.
Flowering period: July to August.
Similar Species: The flowers of Northern Willow Herb have much shorter flower stalks, and do not nod. The leaves are relatively broader and shorter and the lower leaves are commonly in opposite pairs. Narrow-leaved Willow Herb is a highly branched plant. The leaves are very narrow and the outer margins lack teeth. The stem and leaves are covered with down. Downy Willow Herb is very similar to Narrow-leaved Willow Herb, but less branched and with slightly broader leaves.