Rue Anemone
Anemonella thalictroides
from Anemonella thalictroides page
Stems - To +15cm tall, from tuberous roots, herbaceous, often reddish, thin, (+/-1mm in diameter), erect, single or multiple from base. Plant completely glabrous.
Leaves - Opposite. Basal leaves biternate to triternate, appearing at anthesis, petiolate. Petioles to +12cm long. Leaflets shallowly 3-lobed or just notched, to +2cm long, +1.5cm broad. Cauline leaves forming an involucre at base of umble rays, ternate. Leaflets similar to those of basal leaves.
Inflorescence - Terminal umbel with 1-4 rays. Rays to +3cm long, very thin. Single flower terminating each ray.
Flowers - Apetalous. Sepals petaloid, 5-8, typically white but also pinkish-lilac, to 12mm long, 6mm broad, glabrous, rounded to subacute at apex, obovate to ovate. Stamens many. Filaments to +/-5mm long, white, glabrous. Anthers yellow, to +1.5mm long. Carpels 4-15. Achenes 8(10)-ribbed, to 5mm long, 2mm in diameter, fusiform, glabrous to pubescent.

Flowering - March - June.
Habitat - Dry open or rocky woods, upland slopes, ridges.
Origin - Native to U.S.