Long-leaved Stitchwort
Stellaria longifolia
From Nearctica
Identification: Flowers white with 5 petals, each petal deeply slit (about two-thirds of its length) and appearing as 10 petals. Flowers arising from not only the top of the plant, but also from leaf axils further down the stem. Leaves elongate, narrow, with smooth outer margins. Plant 12 to 20 inches in height.
Distribution: Throughout most of North America except for the southeastern and south-central United States.
Habitat: Long-leaved Chickweed is found in pastures, meadows, and swamps.
Flowering period: May to July.
Similar Species: Long-leaved Stitchwort is similar to Lesser Stitchwort. However the flowers of Lesser Stitchwort arise only from the top of the stem. Field Chickweed has its petals divided only one quarter to one half of their length.