Desmodium cuspidatum
From Nearctica
Identification: An erect plant. Flowers lavender, pealike, lower petals elongate and projecting outward. The upper "petal" with two dark, basal spots. Flowers arranged sparsely on an elongate flowering stem. Seedpods jointed with 1 to 7 segments. Leaves arranged alternately on the entire stem. Each leaf with 3 leaflets, leaflets ovate-elongate, pointed at the apex. Plant 2 to 4 feet in height.
Distribution: Throughout eastern North America.
Habitat: Large-bracted Tick-Trefoil is a woodland species.
Flowering period: July to August.
Similar Species: At first glance Large-bracted Tick-Trefoil could be mistaken for either Naked-flowered Tick-Trefoil or Pointed-leaved Tick-Trefoil. However both of these species have the leaves in a whorl about the stem. In contrast the leaves of Big-bracted Tick-Trefoil occur singly and alternately about the stem.