Impatiens capensis
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The Touch-me-Not is commonly known as the Jewelweed, an orange flower with purple or brown spots. Its Latin name is Balsaminaceae. It blooms in the summer, July through frost, and can grow to be five feet tall. It can be found in the Eastern half of North America. Touch-me-Nots are easy to grow in moist, shady areas. They can be found growing wild in marshes, swamps, damp woods, and in various soils. However, they repel water. When disturbed, they shoot seeds out a great distance. It gets the names Touch-me-Not and Snapweed from the shooting seeds. The flowers hang down like jewels on a necklace, giving it the name Jewelweed. Its juice can be used for a remedy for ivy poisoning, athlete's foot, and other skin ailments.
Adah Lipko~Grade 6~Slippery Rock Middle School