Spotted Wintergreen
Chimaphila maculata [L.] Pursh
From Nearctica
Identification: Flowers white or pink, waxy, nodding, either solitary or in pairs. Flower with 5 broad petals bent slightly backward. Seed pods round on long stalks. Stem smooth. Leaves in whorls of two or three, found along the stem, but mostly concentrated near the base of the plant. Leaves thick, waxy, dark green with a lighter pattern along the midribs. Outer margin of leaf irregularly toothed. Plant 4 to 10 inches in height.
Distribution: Michigan in the west to Maine in the east, southward to Florida and Mississippi.
Habitat: Spotted Wintergreen is found in a variety of forest types.
Flowering period: June to August.
Similar Species: The dark green leaves with their light pattern along the midrib are distinctive.